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Heal Yourself By Managing & Releasing Your Emotions

Time is TBD


Location is TBD

Learn powerful emotional release tools that will not only help you to become more emotionally resilient, but will enable your body to heal.

Heal Yourself By Managing & Releasing Your Emotions
Heal Yourself By Managing & Releasing Your Emotions

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Location is TBD

About the Event

Hello, my name is Angela Frewer and I am a Self-Healing Coach and Havening Techniques® Practitioner at Inside Out Healing.

As I learned on my healing journey, our emotions play a huge role in our health and overall well-being.  You see, emotions are made of energy (just like we are) and are actual things.  So if not felt and released at the time, they can create blockages of energy within the body, which can lead to dis-ease, pain, and emotional suffering. Even the emotions we feel about our symptoms can massively impact our health and keep us stuck in a state of dis-ease.

Unfortunately many of us have been taught to suppress or stuff down our emotions, but you can easily learn how to feel and release them.  This will then help to restore the flow of energy within your body so that you can heal.

In this workshop you will learn a number of life-changing emotional release tools that are super quick and easy to use.  Once you know how to do them you will be able to handle anything that life throws at you!!   Also, if you have kids you will be able to teach them so they are able to navigate through life smoothly and become more emotionally resilient.

Being a sensitive person, I use the tools on a daily basis, and don't know how I ever used to get by without them!!  They really are amazing : )

Included in the workshop:

- What are emotions?

- The effect emotions have on our body

- Emotions we feel about our symptoms

- How to feel your emotions and release them as they arise

- Identify what emotions are stuck in your body

- Tools to help you release your emotions

This is the fourth workshop in the You Can Heal Your Body series

* You will need a pendulum for this workshop, or alternatively you can use muscle testing if you are comfortable with that.  You can make a pendulum using some string and attach something heavy like a stone or crystal to it, or you can use a necklace that has something heavy attached to it.

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